Help Keep Rio Nido’s Air Clean!

Here are some clean air tips from the Russian River Alliance and Air Quality District to ensure that this winter won’t be a repeat of last year.

In the winter many of us use wood burning stoves for heat. To be in compliance, after start-up there should be no visible smoke emanating from your chimney. How do you get a hot clean fire that actually produces more heat for the money and less smoke? Buy dry seasoned wood, keep the wood dry, and have sufficient air getting into the stove (leave door slightly open during start-up), so the fire is hot, versus smoldering.


Our Air Quality board has been responsive to calls made and are making site visits in our area. If you are experiencing poor air quality either from open burns or improperly operated wood stoves, call Air Quality at 707-433-5911, or email

Working together we are making a difference in our air quality.



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